Sunday, August 7, 2016

BEST THINGS - ( End of July - Beginning of Aug)

Some of the best things in the past few weeks
1) Best show - Stranger Things on Netflix. Imagine being transported back into the 80s and getting treated to the best parts of ET, Nightmare on Elm Street, Stand By Me and still having a flavor of its own and being original, despite being so very derived from the best works of Stephen King, Wes Craven, John Carpenter and Spielberg. Yes - it's a gem!!! This 8 episode show will bring back the best memories of your childhood and christen this generation to ours - when black was black and white was white and we had bicycles instead of smartphones to take us places.
2) Best Horror - Lights Out - One original short swift sharp horror movie using the best set pieces with intelligent dialogues and a robust screenplay. It has some Ju-On Horror influences but well balanced with a very talented unknown cast and some great jump scare moments. It was good to watch something on 2D and get scared the wits out.
3) Best song - Sucker For Pain - Don't ask me why!!!
4) Best Game - Batman - The Telltale Series - The best take on Batman ever. Exploring Bruce Wayne's world as much as Batman's. It is by far the greatest Batman experience ever. Balancing boardroom politics with romance with detective work with action - This is just perfect bacon for Batman fan!!!!
5) Best supervillain act - Will Smith as Deadshot in Suicide Squad. He beats Harley Quinn by a narrow margin just for all those moments with his daughter. He maintains the swag with the style and then balances his smoothness with sympathy.
6) Best Trippy Timepass Masti Movie - Suicide Squad - Be a man - watch it and decide for yourself and not some depressed critic having chow for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
7) Best Moments performance wise- Irfan Khan interrogation scene with all the politicians for the Madaari "climax" - Brilliance is an understatement!!!!!
8) Ripleys believe it or not moment - Paul Greengrass making a bad Jason Bourne movie!!!!
9) Best Soundtrack - Neon Demon - Its fabulous!!!
10) Best OST featuring artists - Suicide Squad!!!
11) The movie I am looking forward to - DON'T BREATHE!!!
If nothing seems Good what's the thing we can still always return to - FRIENDS of course!!! :D

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