Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Why Batman is dead and Cobb still stuck in his dream in Nolan's world!!!

Why will Christopher Nolan never make another Batman movie? Why has he cautiously avoided the Batman conundrum time and again and said its not like a comic. The Story of Batman had a beginning, an evolution of a legend and then an end. I was just watching the Dark Knight Rises after a long time and suddenly it dawned - Its too Good to be true!!!! Nolan never intends to end his movie on a happy note. He ends it on a note of hope but that's not what truly is the reality. Its become completely clear to me that Leo is still stuck in Inception and the spinning top will be the totem of despair. Nolan cryptically remarks that the scene signifies that Leo has left his old life behind and wants to be with his children. What he means is that he wants to get lost in his dream of eternal bliss to be with his kids forever!!!

All that stuff about Michael Caine being the distinguishing factor of dream and reality and Cobb having a wedding ring as his totem is a hogwash, because then his explanation or exchanges with Ellen Page is also a dream and not reality and if that's a dream then the whole movie is a dream.

I am just stating the Inception "point" here to make it clear that Nolan has played a trick with us "viewers" in every movie and you need to spot the reference peppered through all his movies to realize why he does that.

Heart of hearts he's a cynic, who doesn't believe in happy endings, therefore making it terribly obscure and vague, but he is careful enough to camouflage it with double herrings and wishful thinking.

I will tell you what the dead giveaway is - Its  Michael Caine!!!

He is the common link of wishful thinking and realization of desire, which Nolan has used in two movies.

In Inception we are thinking of Leo's world but its actually Michael Caine who really wants to see the children re-unite with their father. He wants it so bad that Nolan shows us a glimpse of just that.

In Batman - Dark Knight Rises - Caine( Alfred) remarks early in the movie that for 7 years, during Bruce Wayne's exile he used to go to a Cafe in Florence on the banks of Arno to see him with his wife and kids - BUT is there just one cafe on the banks of Arno? - he never told Bruce which Cafe - How could Bruce Wayne be there in the first place then.

So Batman is dead - that autopilot thingy is just like the totem.

And the dream realization is Michael Caine, who is present in both the climax of Inception and Batman- Dark Knight rises.  

So Cobb is still stuck in his dream.

And Batman is dead!!!!

Nolan just lets us explore our desires and fulfilled them through Michael Caine.

He is a genius and a master!!!!!    

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